We provide consultation, project management, environmental impact assessment and expert witness for projects across a variety of sectors.

Kintyre to Hunterston Reinforcement

ASH identified alternative routes for the reinforcement of the Kintyre to Hunterston transmission network.

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Strath Halladale to Dallangwell

ASH undertook environmental studies for the Strath Halladale to Dallangwell overhead line development.

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Sloy Switching Station

ASH undertook environmental appraisal, landscape design and environmental compliance services for Sloy Switching Station.

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Viking Wind Farm

The Viking Energy partnership appointed ASH to carry out landscape and visual impact assessments for a proposed major wind farm on the Shetland Isles.

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Tangy Wind Farm Extension and Repowering

ASH was commissioned by SSE to carry out landscape and visual impact assessments of Tangy Wind Farm on Kintyre.

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Stronelairg Wind Farm

ASH was commissioned to undertake an environmental impact assessment and produce an Environmental Statement for Stronelairg Wind Farm.

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Chaorach Hydroelectric Sheme

ASH coordinated the environmental impact assessment for Chaorach Hydroelectric Scheme.

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River Pattack Hydroelectric Scheme

ASH was the lead environmental consultant on the River Pattack Hydro Scheme which gained planning consent in July 2015. 

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Glendoe Hydroelectric Scheme

SSE commissioned ASH as environmental consultants for Glendoe Hydroelectric Scheme.

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Coire Glas Pumped Storage Scheme

ASH undertook an Environmental Impact Assessment for the consented Coire Glas Pumped Storage Scheme.

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Sloy Pumping Station

ASH input into the design development and carried out an Environmental Impact Assessment for the conversion of Sloy Hydroelectric scheme into a Pumped Storage Scheme.

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Aquaculture Site Assessments

ASH has undertaken environmental assessments for a variety of Aquaculture developments 

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Loch Dunvegan Fish Farms

ASH was commissioned to carry out a seascape and visual impact assessment work for modifications to two fish farms off the coast of Skye within Loch Dunvegan.  

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Upper Forth Crossing

ASH has overseen the successful implementation of the landscape elements of both the Eastern Link and the Clackmannanshire Bridge

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A9 Helmsdale

ASH carried out a review of phasing options and developed landscape mitigation measures for a new section of the A9

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Falkirk Wheel

ASH worked as masterplanners, landscape architects and environmental management systems auditors for the award winning Falkirk Wheel project

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Find out more

We’re always happy to answer your questions. If you’d like to find out more about the services we can offer for your project, you can email us on info@ashglasgow.com or call 0141 227 3388.